Friday, March 28, 2014


So . . .  it seems that in the last year or so, the hobby of reading has become very popular.

The thing is, it doesn't have to be. Reading isn't meant to be something you have to do to be cool! It's something people enjoy naturally. I like to think they either are born with the enjoyment of learning and eventually reading or they grow into it.

There are some people out there who just have a desire to read, and some who just don't. And that's okay.

I always say, there is no joy like reading. And to me, that's 100% true. There is no feeling like the one when you are curled up in a quiet place with a book (preferably paperback) cradled in your hands.

But, but, that doesn't mean YOU have to find reading enjoyable. Reading doesn't make you smart or cool or any better than anyone else. It can make you wiser, or give you new ideas, but you can find those elsewhere. Readers aren't the only people who can have these qualities!!

Reading is something that some people, like myself, just latch onto.

I have been reading since I was . . . well, learning to read. DUH. Anyway, books like Nancy Drew, American Girl, and Jane Eyre just infatuated me. I began to write myself, and I have ever since.

Reading and writing just comfort me. I can pretty much find any kind of story ever, and that's something you can't find with movies or whatever. I can imagine up characters that become my friends (which is a pretty sad thought, but hey) and read about new ones!


Just because everyone's in a craze about being a "reader" and being a "fangirl" doesn't mean they are truly those things. Sure, you can start a popular series, finish it, and never pick up another book, then call yourself a "reader", but they are probably not.

Don't be intimidated by readers, we're nice. ;) I am sure there are readers out there who want to be good at other things like makeup or hair or whatever. Everyone always wants something they don't have. Don't be one of those people. Make your own choices. If you don't want to read, don't.

WARNING: To those who do not enjoy reading into the late hours of the night; DO NOT LIE ABOUT IT. Do not say "Reading is my favorite thing to do" just to make yourself look a certain way. If it's not your favorite thing to do, then don't say it is.

I only made this post because I happen to run a blog on instagram about reading and books, and everyone says they're dumb because they don't read, and when they do read, they're super slow. That's fine. You're not a reader THATS OKAY, BRAH.

I don't know how much sense this made, but I hope it resolved something for someone.

Much love xx

- Ellie

P.S. This all goes for the "internet kid" craze as well. :)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Liebster Award from Aimee

Thanks Aimee for tagging me.

1. How did you start blogging?
One of my best friends, Angela showed me her blogs. :)

2. What is something your followers don't know about you?
I suppose something that a lot of people don't know about me is that I am an archer. I love archery.

3. What is your favorite book or book series?
I know this is quite cliche, but this trilogy has moved me in such a positive way. The Hunger Games trilogy. So symbolic.

4. Who is your favorite superhero?
Batman. Hands down.

5. Who is your favorite villain?
I would have to say Loki and The Joker. Simply because they seem to have background stories.

6. If you could have three wishes what would they be?
To have great wisdom, to create something memorable, and to lead people in the right direction.

7. If you could spend the day with one Disney couple, who would they be?
Rapunzel and Eugene; cliche again, I know. Who wouldn't?? ;)

8. If you could be in any movie, what would you be in?
Any Star Wars film. What a legacy, truly.

9. Can you do any accents?
Maybe British. You'd have to ask a British person to confirm that though, teehee.

10. What is the most embarrassing thing you have done?
I can't really think of anything other than little things I have said in the past, but I do remember something that happened to me that was horrific (in my mind at the time). I was at the beach for my friend's birthday and they wanted to shop and flirt instead of enjoy the ocean. We live close enough to the sea that I gave in and went with the group of girls to the shops. They met a couple of boys at an ice cream store and immediately started flirting. I've never been big on silly romantics, and I guess the guys got that vibe from me because when they were giving out their number (not that I wanted anything to do with it) they left me out. They also called me "weird" and "ugly". I knew they were just silly, cocky, junior high boys, but honestly! Before we left the ocean-side they tripped me several times. Little did they know they were dealing with the future queen of books. ;)

11. Did you have fun doing this post? 
Sure did.

Hey, see ya.

- Ellie

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sunshine Tag (again)

Thank you to my cute sis Aimee over at Part of Me for tagging me.

I don't really do tags (because of the tagging at the end. I can never find friends over blogger that I communicate enough with) but I do the ones my sister tags me in cause . . . you know . . . it's polite to do stuff like that for your family.

On with the tag:

1. What is your favorite bible verse?

2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and self-discipline.

2. Would you say you would sacrifice your life for a stranger?

Whoah little darlin' . . . calm down. That escalated quickly.

It would completely depend on the situation and person. I mean, if it was a small infant whose stoller was about to tip off the edge of a cliff and the only way to save it was to run and shove it to safety but in the act you not being able to stop yourself and falling over to your fate *huge breath*, then yes. Probably. But then again I have so many plans and things going for me in life . . . this makes me feel like such a selfish person DON'T ASK QUESTIONS LIKE THESE GOSH. *rocks back and fourth questioning existence*

3. Given the chance to swim with dolphins, would you accept?

Yes. Just yes.

4. Are you more fascinated with the light or dark? Why?

If I ponder too long about the dark it creeps me out and if I ponder too long about the light I get too warm. Neither. it is what it is, thank you Jesus for both. What more can I say?

5. Can you speak a different language?

I am currently working on sign language.

6. Do you play an instrument?

I do. Piano. 11 years and going on 12.

7. Has the ocean ever filled your dreams?

Yep. Sooo many times. If you didn't know (Get with the program if you don't. Just kidding I love you) I am obsessed with the ocean and everything in it. It always has. I want to become a marine biologist.

8. Presuming you own one, how often is your journal put to use?

I have so many journals they're flowing out from under my bed. I try to keep one but then I get bored and decide I need to start fresh. I'll go out and buy another cool one only to stop a quarter way through again. I have so many unfinished stories and entities.

9. Why on earth (pun intended) would anyone want to rule to world?

You could have a pet shark and all the french fries you wanted.

10. What is your favorite hymn?

Unfortunately I don't know very many hymns and the only ones I have heard I cannot sit through. They have a million bajillion verses and I get stressed when singing them. I do like to listen to them once in a while however, but only in church when the congregation is singing. That, my friend, is beautiful.

Okayyyy, the tag time is up. That's all we have for today, folks. Tune in again sometime later and read my upcoming post, Good Ol' Fandoms . . . the sequel.

I'm not tagging anyone. It never works out. No . . just no.

- Ellie (P.S. I love your face)